Book Review: White Fire by Brian Keene (2006) (October Horror Fest 28/31)

I would like to address three topics

The first is that I love Brian Keene Labyrinth. I believe it's very interesting one since all stories are connected (sometimes only a glimpse , sometimes are the same characters and so on). So after reading 16 of his novels / novellas (besides Agatha Christie , Dan Abnett and Stephen King and RA Salvatore that's the highest one).

I bought this book this month with the intend of reading in October Horror Fest and I've read in one day - 106 pages in under 80m that's pretty good for me.

I was pondering buying some more of his books (although most of the remaining ones are expensive and now, just because of one thing I am on the fence) - Let me explain...

This is a retelling and expanded version. I cannot tell what is on the first edition of course but one thing I know he added in this version and so let me put it here

"...all the equipment Delaroz used to record his Alt-Right podcast. A Replica Nazi Swastika banner with a leering frog emblazoned upon it, which had hung from a the garage wall..."

This part here was added. How do I know? Well, first of alt-right is something new that didn't exist back in 2006 and the frog on swastika is far-left democrats assholes who made the frog a alt-right symbol. NOBODY HAS A NAZI SWASTIKA WITH A FROG! That's absurd. BUT, alas people think there is - so there must be. BUT the frog was considered a alt-right thing (LOL) only a couple of years ago not in 2006. Strange this character wasn't doing the OK sign!

Why did Brian Keene had to do this? WHY had he to include this image here? Was it to appease his far-left fan base (Which probably there aren't)? Was it like some wet dream seeing the "alt-right" suffering? Absurd

What more did you change? Did you change McCleod sex orientation as well making him gay to cross all dots of your agenda? Enfin...

I have nothing against McLeod being gay - he was probably in the beginning my favorite of the duo.

Oh well, apart from this rant that will keep me from buying more of his books because I 'm afraid he drops his political agenda like this - since it has no purpose at all. That depiction was one chapter where he was telling what a tornado did. It served no purpose but it made bluntly real that it was added in 2019 - probably in one of his fits against Trump and the frog.

What about the story you ask?

It's very short. Two guys are transporting some dicease through a place when a tornado hits releasing the virus. Then you've got the army and cdc response against the virus. The last 20 pages or so, it's where we connect the dots with his Labyrinth Mythos plus the "Purple Gas" incident which made me wonder what book was that. I remember Darkness on the Edge of Town but that a darkness that fallen not purple. I have Ghoul, Dark Hollow and Ghost Walk with me to read but I don't think any of them deal with it.

So we come to the end of the story. I will not spoil the ending BUT it was cool.

I hope this story was a bit bigger and dwelt more on - well everything. IT was rushed - OKAY VIRUS IS OUT - OKAY IS CONTAIN - ANCIENT MYTHICAL STUFF HERE - OKAY IS FINISH - OKAY the end...

About the writing and critics on the missing dots - it's true. There are a couple of instances where dots are missing and some words don't feel correct but I am not english native so probably not the best person to talk.

There are couple books I would love to read because I know they dwell more on the Mythos like the Complex, The Lost Level but I don't want to spend 20€ on a book which besides trying to tell a story is trying to insult our intelligence. All writers give their personal beliefs when telling tales and to me that's good and of course interesting- another is insulting a group of people or doing to just pandering and not be cancelled...
