Reading Challenge October Horror Fest (Half Month)

So, we've now arrive at half the month so how I going?

Well, I finish the following:

- Edward Lee - Trolley No 1852 (102) (3.88 rating)
- David Moody - Autumn (271) (3.66 rating)
- 40K & Sigmar Anthology - Anathemas (345) (3.61 rating)
- The Devourer Below 316 
- Alien: Sea of Sorrows 352
- Alien: River of Pain 352

(Total pages read so far 1738 - WHICH IS AWESOME!)

I am now reading the following:

- Caitlin R. Kiernan - Black Helicopters (202) (3.45 rating)
- Frank Peretti - This Present Darkness (508) (4.22 rating)

The following are to be read:

- Bentley Little - Summoning (542) (3.71  rating)
- Christine Morgan - The Night Silver River Run Red (212) (4.09 rating)
- Daniel Barnett - Nightfall - Nightmareland Volume 1 (141) (4.31 rating)

So with 1605 pages to go, that's around 100 pages per day - LET's GO!

Btw, the next month I will try reading more sci-fi novels. I've already chosen the following:

- Speaker For the Dead - Orson Scott Card - 378 Pages
- Alien Game - Rod Walker - 209 Pages 
- The Lost Fleet: Victorious - Jack Campbell - 330 Pages
- Artemis - Andy Weir - 302 Pages
- Blindsight - Peter Watts - 361 Pages
- Echopraxia - Peter Watts - 389 Pages
- Superluminary - John C Wright 472 Pages (3 novels - The Lords of Creations, The Space Vampires, The World Armada)
Total Pages 2441 
If I can I will add a 40K novel.
