Book Review: Shadow of the Vulture - Regina L Garza Mitchell

Author: Regina L Garza Mitchell
Book: Shadow of the vulture
Year: 2021
Pages: 96
Part of Series: Splatter Western (9)
Reading Time: July 2022 (2 days)
Rating: 2 Stars

I couldn't enjoy this novel at all... I will say after my biggest problem but my problem was the purpose of this story. The back cover says something and really looked interesting and then the book suffers by too many named characters that serve no purpose and the story is just a guide to revenge*rage and so on... I hope more. Maybe it was the length maybe it needed more pages too fully develop everyone but alas...

My main problem is the abhorrent hate towards white people the everyone non-white portrays and it really feels that even the writer hates white people. Mexicans - which are most a mix of spaniards and indigenous people not counting the white mexicans. The problem here is that racism is a very recent term, early 19th century. There was always the thought that the winner takes the land they conquer; it was in usa, it was with mexico. Or do mexicans forget what they the war on yucatan between mayas and mexicans , the wars against indians while being the mexican empire. All countries have their history filled with blood and all peoples are racist. Alas this book made me think the deep hatred that must exist towards white people for what they did 150 years ago.

Couldn't enjoy the novel because every single chapter there was racism racism racism.... Don't know what to say more. Nothing against people who thrive on scream racism to anyone - but you know people kill other people because of well anything. It's not racism just because one white kills a mexican because of money or revenge or petty jelously or just because he is evil. Why can't people understand that.

Alas, I skip the 8 because it's a trilogy. I am going to leave it to the end...
