Movie Review: Halloween Ends (2022) October Horror Fest 2022 (25/31)

Jamie Lee Curtis has 63 years old. She made the first Halloween back in 1978 - she had 20 years. Now she is 63 and finally Michael Myers is dead or is it?

She performed/made Halloween; Halloween II; Halloween III, Halloween H20: 20 Years Later, Halloween: Resurrection, Halloween, Halloween Kills & Halloween Ends. They are not all in the same timeline and there are more and they will make more without any doubt. It's like friday 13th, nightmare in elm street among others. While it makes money it's good - and to be honest there is another thing that makes them recurring... Today film companies, directors are not even trying to create something new. Tell me a series that started recently and have multiple movies on the series? Now tell me all the remakes, sequels of the 70's and 80's ? Yeah and most of them shit on the series. They can't seem to create something new and good so they bring our heroes/evildoers down to the gutter. So many series 

What can I say about this... well to be honest after the last movie we needed a conclusion and we got it here - basicaly they are more older, several years have passed and people become a lot of discotent and hateful of our survivors - blaming the victim as is if brought the evil there.

There is a new character that somehow connects with myears and starts killing people... yeah. The ending is crap as well. I didn't like what they did with any of the characters to be honest... Enfin if you have watch everything before - go right
