Movie Review: My Best Friend's Exorcism (2022) October Horror Fest 2022 (24/31)

So I've just finish the book and I gave it a 8 stars. Then I finished the movie and I thought what a bunch of crap. Why did the director and writer butcher Hendrix book? Wtf did I just watch? They just destroyed half the book to smithers - like the interaction between Abby & Gretchen, how they met, how their friendship grew, all of that lost. Then start putting nowdays politics unto the movie including making Glee gay and Margaret shaming. WTF? Then the all Glee nut alergic stuff WTF... Abby is just weird here but on the novel she is strong. Like in the movie she even gaves up on Gretchen while on book she goes against everything and everyone to fight for Gretchen. The exorcist guy is crap compare with the book one. And then the all family interaction between both Gretchen & Abby parents is non-existant here. By the gods how to make a bad adaptation.~

What about that ending? WTF Is that daemon? Looks like more a house elf from harry potter... WTF? How that skinny dipshit has 30 legions under him? WTF? OH my god I am upset.

Stop screwing with movies with your politics & please be more faithful in them.

In the movie the ending is bad - wtf is that oh wallace did this and that, body positiviy movement margaret stuff etc.. WHAT?

Please read the book. Its just a different league. 
