Book Review: Dissolving Classroom - Junji Ito

So, another Junji Ito book read. They keep publishing and I keep reading. I think I have yet to read 4 out of 20 (?) of his novels. They all sit very nicely on the shelves, all hardcovers - except this one.

The Hardcover edition costs around 25€ and this one was 11€. So, I went for it.

This was a very interesting read of interconnected stories all in the same world/characters. Basically we've got this family (the ones in the cover) of a boy and his young sister. His sister goes around the neighbour scaring people , doing all kind of stupid things and his brother just apologies profoundly.

The problem is, not everything is at it seems.

It starts with dissolving classroom, then beauty and then apartment and finally some stories that give some background to the characters. It's short but it was fun, spooky tale. I think I become a bit sanitized against horror after watching so much. I really enjoy all of the stories and how they were told (chronologic order) and the ending was also very good. Nice characterization and flow... although some of stuff was a bit inconsistent. Like some people only took a couple of minutes others days..

Overall very good story by master horror mangaka.
