My rating: 2 Stars out of 10
Pages 442
Year 2017
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I love Lovecraftian Horror & Love Scooby Doo as a teen. This was hinted as a Lovecraftian Scooby Doo but in adults flashbacks their kid lives. I read the first 250 pages (so more than half the book) and it was nothing like that. Okay the author enjoyed scooby doo so he made four protagonists (two girls & two boys) plus a dog. That's where the similarities end. For 250 pages I saw no hint of horror whatsoever. IT was slow pace, horrible dialogue and talks... sometimes the author put something the name of the person who was talking and what they said and then author character and so on for pages... the reason? probably do not saying, "bla bla" said Kerri "bla bla" said Andy etc.. What a crappy writing facilitator. Then there is the all romance thing where you've got Andrea (Sorry Andy) who is a girl and loves girl. So what? Nothing new in today age. But the way the author presented this lesbian (She is not trans, stop fuming about it) it felt wrong.. There is a conversation where she hinted to another girl, how do you know you don't like woman, have you tried it? What a heck is this logic? I don't like eating shit, I don't have to try it do I? I don't want to do drugs, I don't have to try it, do I? Moron. BTW, she was able to turn the non-lesbian to lesbian. Imagine that a man saying that to a lesbian? Wanna fuck? I am going to turn you after you taste my shaft. this man would be cancelled on the spot.
There was an author talking about TW for Transphobia. WHAT book did you read? Where was this transphobe? It was uncomfortable representation of lesbian without a doubt but transphobe? I don't agree.
2/10 for bad dialogue, bad story, bad characterization and worst of all, boring.
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