Movie Review: Storage 24 (2012) October Horror Fest (04)

 Here we go again for the fourth post. I watched Storage 24 which reminds me another movie I watch last year called The Hoarder. Albeit different stories It really look similar in some ways.

Well, let us talk about this one. Some people are in a storage facility as a plane crashes in London. Due to something, unexplained throughout the movie, the doors are closed and nobody can leave. A technician arrives and unlocks the door and two other guys enter. Afterwards the doors close again.

In there we've got Charlie and his best friend Mark; Charlie's ex-girlfriend Shelley and her best friend Nikki and Nikki's boyfriend Chris. There is also Jake, the receptionist, the engineer and a crazy guy called David.

Nikki, Mark, Shelley, Crazy David, Charlie
The next 30 minutes we watch some horrifying beast killing Jake, the engineer, Chris and David (david dies stupidly confronting a alien with less than nothing. Oh Charlie later discovers that Shelley dump him because she didn't love him - after all, she was screwing with Mark - who basically want to spit on his best friend... jackass.

Mark and Charlie make a truce to search for weapons and when the beast arrives Mark leaves Charlie to be killed - but, alas the main character cannot be killed. 

This time they went separated ways Charlie with Nikki and Mark and Shelley. When they reunite Charlie says, yet again, that Nikki was taken. Charlie and Nikki save Shelley and try to escape but Mark doesn't open the door trapping the trio with monster. Charlie finally open the door and the alien enter behind them killing Mark. Charlie then kills the monster. 

As they are leaving the Storage facility they look upwards and see more alien ships and London burning - leaving room to think about it.
Ah...the monster... The face eating monster...
Did I enjoy it? I did.
Did it felt incomplete? It did.
Did It inovate? Maybe...
Would I watch it again? No - In twenty years? No
Do I advice it? No. There a lot more good movies out there that:
1. Deal with Sci-Fi
2. Horror

I would give a good 5/10. It serve it's purpose of entertaining. Watch it if you enjoy horror but don't expect much.
